Thursday, March 29, 2012

Which came first, technology or slackers?

I constatly hear how technology has caused our kids to become dumber.  Technology is blamed for bad grammer, poor social skills and wild abandonment of morals and values.  You know who is saying this, the adults.  Every generation of adults complains about how bad the kids are.  When I was a kid, it was generation X.  Known for bad grunge music, worst poetry and hanging out in coffee shops.  We were considered the wasted generation, wallowing in self-loathing, apathy and a waste of potential.  My parents, the baby boomers are known for woodstock, dropping acid, the hippie counter-culture and free love.  Every generation thinks the generation that comes after it is a bunch of useless kids.  And then those kids become your boss. 

These poor grammer, no social skill kids will adapt.  Just as we adapted, because the adults will adapt more slowly, or not adapt at all.  And then those kids, as they become adults, will be our professors, our leaders, our intellectuals, our politicians and our society.  So for those who fighting against the rapid changes occuring in society, fight on.  But know that society will shape itself regardless of your actions.  And technology will that catalyst that changes it more rapidly than the adults can adapt.

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