Friday, January 27, 2012

The Five Faces of Adult Education

Today in class we talked about the five faces of Adult Education: Liberal, Behaviorist, Progressive, Humanistic, and Radical.  I liked how they were summarized:

Liberal = ideas
Behaviorist = structure
Progressive = application
Humanistic = individual
Radical = society

These are of course are gross overgenalizations of the concepts but it did help me to remember them and give them a frame of reference. 

During this dicussion we went into the Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy.  This was the first time I had been introduced to this model.  I am still not sure what to think about including the dimension of Fact --> Metacognition to the taxonomy but it is intriguing none-the-less.  I still can't fully wrap my head around how the Internet is impacting all of these models.  For example, facts and remembering is hardly even neccessary now with the instant access to that information at our fingertips.  Does this mean that we can head down the chart closer to metacognition and application?  I don't really think so.  And by saying that, that means that there is something about the model that is incomplete to me or that is missing the mark on an important point.  Maybe it will become more clear what is missing or not connecting as we get further into the class.

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