Thursday, January 26, 2012

How the PAEI is Like a Burger

I completed the paper version and the online version of the PAEI.  My scores all came out about the same across all of the philosophies.  The only score that was lower than the others was the Radical category and even that wasn't much lower.  It's not a surprise though since my personal philosophy has generally been to take the best elements of all of the learning theories and philosophies and apply them to the appropriate situations.  For example, use Behaviorist techniques when the students are highly dependent on me as the instructor or when there is a lot of material, a lot of students and not a lot of time to get through it all.  Or switch to Humanistic techniques when the students bring a lot of experience and knowledge to the learning experience.  I probably scored lowest on the Radical philosophy because I am not often put into situations or with students where this approach would be the most effective.

Another observation I made while completing the instrument is that this particular instrument is very transparent.  You don't have to look into the questions very closely to realize where your answers are going to end up placing you.  I always thought that oversimplified instruments like this were not very helpful. 

To me its the equivalent of answering the following questions:
- Do you like to eat cooked beef? Yes
- Do you like to eat the sliced tomatoes? Yes
- Do you like bread? Yes
Based on your answers, you have been categorized as a person who enjoys eating hamburgers.  You are dominant in the Burgerphile category.  Your weakest category is the Vegansapien.

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