Friday, January 20, 2012

The Life, The Universe and Everything

Last night in class we watched "What the bleep do we know".  It was a movie that tried to tackle the issue of addiction by using theories of quantum mechanics to try and get the audience to see the world in new ways.  It offered many interesting ideas:
* Objects exist in multiple places at the same time and it is not until we consciously perceive them that they exist where they are
* Water's molecular structure can be modified with positive and negative thoughts
* Matter is mostly made up of nothing

The ideas and concepts were deep but using experts in quantum mechanics made it feel disconnect and less believable.  This is odd to say considering the point of merging the two was to create more credibility.  I just keep thinking that we were only getting the cliff notes on some of these theories and it felt like a lot of them were being taken out of context.   Some of the examples used also did not seem to connect well between the rules of subatomic particles and the macro world we live in.

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