Thursday, February 9, 2012

Intuitive Training

Is is possible for something to be created in a way that it trains a person as the person experiences the new thing for the first time.  The example I think of is Facebook.  There are several people who use Facebook that I personally know that have an aversion to technology.  Even with this fear, they were still able to create a Facebook account, add friends and family, poke said friends and family (in the old days), play Farmville and Bejeweled Blitz, add photos and add status updates.  And they did all of this without any training.  They didn't read a manual or watch a video on YouTube.  It's like Facebook secretly trainined them as they experiened the technology.   Is this a new form of tactile learning?  Can user interfaces be designed in a such a way that it trains the user as they experience it.  iPad anyone?

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