Sunday, February 5, 2012

Schopenhauer, Plato, and Jung Found in the new teen movie "Chronical"

I took my son to see the new movie Chronical today.  Could not believe that the movie contained a lot of the content that we are covering in class.  Here are some examples:
  • Schopenhauer (In Will Durant book)
  • Allegory of the Cave
  • Hubris
  • Jung
Who would have thought that a teenage superhero movies would reference many of the philosophers we learned about in the opening chapters of our text book?  Even more interesting is that the writers used the teen who was versed in philosophy as the rational and ethical boy with superpowers, while the other kid, who was heaped in personal issues began to abuse the powers, was unethical and eventually went insane with the new power he had acquired.  This was a parellel to our classroom discussion of Lord of Flies and the example in our web readings about being stranded on an island.

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